Pumpkin Pie Spice | How To Make Your Own


I hope y’all are having a good week! I’ve pulled out my cans of pumpkin and am totally enjoying adding it to recipes. I love to make my own pumpkin pie spice because it’s so quick and easy to do with ingredients that are typically already in my spice rack. Making your own pumpkin pie spice is kind of like making your own taco seasoning – it’s good for you, economical and simple.

Make Your Own Pumpkin Pie Spice | MyBlessedLife.net[pinit count=”horizontal”]

I found the cutest jar for my Pumpkin Pie Spice at Williams-Sonoma for less than $3. Love it! You can also buy a set of them here. I’ve played with the proportions in my pumpkin pie spice recipe and I think it’s a fabulous combination with great flavoring. The spice of the ginger is so delicious.

If your kids love cinnamon toast, you can add pumpkin pie spice to a sugar shaker and make a Fall version of cinnamon toast. Yum!

Make Your Own Pumpkin Pie Spice | MyBlessedLife.net

So, what can you use Pumpkin Pie Spice in? Well, just about anything. I toss it in oatmeal and in some of these recipes…

10 Delicious Pumpkin Recipes | MyBlessedLife.net

10 Delicious Pumpkin Recipes

Ahhh, all things pumpkin! How I love this time of year!

Have you made your own pumpkin pie spice before?



Sharing at The Frugal Girls and I’m Lovin’ It!


  1. I love making my own mixes… Soo much healthier. I noticed u said u pulled out your cans of pumpkin… do u make ur own puréed pumpkin, Myra? I do and it’s soo easy and goes a long way. Plant stand the taste of store bought hahaha… Spoiled with homemade I guess 🙂

  2. love love love! Thanks for sharing. Pinned! I always just make something up with the recipe calls for pie spice… now I can actually know what I’m doing :O) EMily@nap-timecreations

  3. What a great idea about using it on cinnamon toast! My kids will love this. Thanks for the recipe. I’m an American living in the UK and I’ve never seen pumpkin spice for sale here. :0)

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