Hey y’all!
This is me – Myra.
I love God, my amazing childhood-sweetheart husband, two precious sons and an adorable little girl.
I grew up on a small, family farm in the North Alabama foothills of the Appalachian mountains. We lived smack dab in between my Memaw and Granddaddy and my aunt, uncle & two cousins. My family and I now live on the same family farm. We purchased Memaw and Granddaddy’s precious home and about an acre of land. Because of on-going foundation issues with the house, we took drastic measures to save the house {with incredible sentimental value} by gifting it to my parents next door. We are in the process of living in our guest house that we built in the back yard and building our dream home in the next year or so. We are SO grateful to live in the country. It’s a wonderful place to raise our little family.
I’m the oldest of five children who have the most incredible parents in the world. My dad pastors a tiny church of which I’ve been the pianist since I was six. Yes, six. We sang what I could play. Let’s just say it was a very limited repertoire. Ha! My precious mom has devoted her life to teaching my siblings and me academics, how to live, how to serve and how to get along with each other. We are an incredibly tight-knit bunch.
My childhood memories are full of adventures including throwing freshly-dug bushels of potatoes to the pig with one of my cousins, hoe-ing strawberries in my Granddaddy’s amazing garden and drinking “orange coke” from his old blue thermos on hot Summer days.
I grew up surrounded by creative people. My mom is an excellent seamstress who taught me how to sew. She patiently let me rearrange the living room and the bedroom I shared with my sister. She welcomed us to play dress-up in her old formal gowns and have tea parties with her fine china. My Memaw gave me an unquenchable love for spray paint as she painted her outdoor furniture every single Spring. And my Granny showed me how to plant a lovely flower bed.
I first laid eyes on my “someday husband” when I was nine years old. I knew that moment that I would someday marry him. We’re twenty-one years into our friendship and seven years into our marriage and we are both thankful and happy. 🙂 That man keeps me in stitches all the time. Life is always an adventure. Never boring. Needless to say, our love story is…unique.
I followed my passion to make things beautiful by getting a bachelor’s degree in interior design. After college, I worked as a designer and salesperson at a local high-end furniture retailer. It was a fabulous job that I thoroughly enjoyed. I “retired” when I was seven months pregnant with Ridley.
Motherhood is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but the rewards are immeasurable. I’m momma to an angel baby, two little men and one little lady…all of which are growing up TOO FAST! Ridley’s birth was extremely difficult and I lived in a fog {with pain} for years after that. Cameron’s birth was redemptive in every way – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I’m finally finding my motherhood mo-jo. It’s taken a long time. Our precious Nora girl has changed our home’s dynamic and she is PURE JOY. I pinch myself every day that I get be a boy mom AND a girl mom!
I love homeschooling and making things beautiful through decorating, baking and cooking. I love to celebrate the small things. I’m on a journey to take better care of myself and my family, so I love talking about living naturally, losing that pesky weight, using essential oils and rocking natural childbirth.
My passion aside from being a wife and mom is EMPOWERING women to live out their passion, to see dreams come true, to be visionaries and the world’s best mom-bosses. I lead an incredible community of like-minded men and women who want to live vibrantly and to spread light and love about living the best life possible.
I am far from perfect. I’m a work in progress and I don’t have it all figured out. I love to learn, research and grow every day. I don’t know it all by any means. I’m learning more and more to give myself grace and to extend grace to others.
I’m so excited that you found me in this crazy big blogosphere! I can’t wait to get to know you better as we journey along together in this wonderful thing called life!
I look forward to connecting with you via Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!