Where To Find Contentment…
I’ve been thinking a lot about contentment lately. Am I happy where I am? Am I content with living in the exact moment that God has ordained for me? Right here, right now? Many times contentment seems incredibly illusive.
Way too often I allow my happiness and my contentment to be dictated by my circumstances and my emotions. And wowza…my circumstances and emotions constantly change, so it seems that my happiness and contentment changes with just as many roller coaster twists and turns.
But…there is a better way. There has to be a better way.
It is possible to find contentment right where we are. Right where we live. Right in this moment – with those annoying pounds, frizzy hair, a clunker car that ends up in the shop too much or a house that might not be good enough, clean enough, decorated well enough in our eyes.
If we lived back during Paul’s time, we wouldn’t have jealously compared our simple, quiet life to his life full of scorn, beatings and imprisonments. Yet still he wrote, “...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11 That’s grace and true contentment.
“In whatsoever state I am.” No matter where we are, what stage of life we are in, whatever trial we may be going through, one constant remains…
The One who is the same – yesterday, today and forever.
Satisfaction in Him is our contentment. He is enough.
He transcends extra pounds, frizzy hair, clunker cars and insufficiently decorated homes. Jesus Christ is worthy of our praise for not only the forgiveness of sins, but also for every single aspect of our lives.
Hello, rubber – meet road.
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I Thessalonians 5:18
Do you struggle as well with enjoying contentment in mundane, every day life?
Completely relate! This is something I have struggled with for a very long time and am at the same point of letting it go and resting in HIS provision of contentment. Thanks for the post, nice to know I’m not alone:)
Yes! ~to be content in the moment & circumstances right now — that’s my prayer today!
Miranda @ A ThankFULL Heart´s last blog post ..11 Things About Me
Love this post…I do struggle with contentment, but am becoming more aware of it and practicing thankfulness as much as possible. Timely post, friend! xo
linda (burlap+blue)´s last blog post ..winner!
I relate totally. Sold our house in Oregon, moved to the mid-west to be closer to family. Whew…so many changes, so unsettled…still living with mom until we have jobs and house. However, in the midst, I can have joy. We have a place to stay, my sweetie and I can do things for my mom that she isn’t able to do, we love one another. The biggest thing we know…Jesus is in the midst and is loving us through it all, one step at a time. As Linda said, thankfulness is the key! Have a wonderful day! 🙂
I don’t know anybody who doesn’t feel like this…Some more than other’s..but still to some degree. Thank you for your kind words, always a wonderful reminder where our focus should be. God Bless you! I will seek to bask in The Glory that the Lord has provided for me today, simply.
Thanks. I needed that today. I do try to be content but sometimes it just catches up with me.
I love reading your sunday morning thoughts. It gives me something great to focus on for the day. I too struggle with it. I feel like there is always something better coming up. Or worse something better im missing out on by being in this season of life … which is Mommy to 3 wonderful kids. But instead of enjoying and embracing where He has me right now i too often look longingly at what im missing. Then one of the kids will truely bless me… and i praise Him.
I needed to read your comments today. Contentment easily slips from my scope each day. Discouragement wipes it away. I need to look for the Master without, within, everywhere, more readily. Thank YOU! Karen
Thanks for this post. Very thought provoking at a time I really need to think about this.
Kim´s last blog post ..I have a confession to make….
Wow, this is true and something I needed to hear today!! I find it easy to always be reaching for something better, when all I need to do is embrace the beauty that God has given to me, flawed and all (= You inspire me!
Ruby Showalter´s last blog post ..Fashion Friday
I can totally relate. I was just having a conversation with a friend about how I wish there was something different to my day-to-day life. It’s so routine, and unexciting at times. But I know that even in the mundane, He has new things to show me. I simply need to learn to see better, though His eyes.
Barbie´s last blog post ..Fresh Brewed Sundays: {His Resting Place}
Thank you for sharing this. I really needed to hear the scripture about being content. This idea mimics the saying, I choose happiness, which is something I struggle with. Thanks for sharing.
Ugh! This is one of those things that smacked me right between the eyes! Thank you for posting. And I don’t feel so silly now for being discontent about how my house is decorated. I thought maybe I was the only one who felt like that!
When I finished reading this, I thought, “She must have just read my post about this exact same thing! Or we are both just having one of ‘those’ weeks.” Thank you this reminder that we all probably should be reading everyday. (My post title is “Even in the mundane, God is there”) @ mishmashedme . blogspot
This is a daily battle of my mind – keeping it focused and centered on the things of God. Thank you for being honest and real.
Thank you for posting this, Myra. Words I needed to hear today. I am struggling so much to be content, despite the fact that I know that He’ll be faithful. It isn’t content for wanting more stuff to add to the too much I have right now, but just trying to be content that His provision might come in a different form than I am looking for and different timing than I think we need. Many blessings to you for sharing your heart and sharing what the Lord knew many of us needed to hear.
Thank you for this wise reminder. Contentment comes moment by moment.