35 Week Pregnancy Update


Hello, friends! I thought I’d take this beautiful day to show you my growing belly. I’m living large these days, but it’s all worth it for a healthy baby.

At my midwife appointment five weeks ago, my baby man was transverse. The midwives weren’t too concerned, but of course, I took the matter in my own hands and read up on the techniques I could do from Spinning Babies. I highly, highly recommend perusing Spinning Babies and doing inversions to get your wee one in an optimal position for birth.

Two weeks ago, the midwives confirmed that he is indeed head down. *happy dance*

I’m still following my pregnancy nutrition tips. My energy level is pretty good. It usually depends on how I sleep at night. And how I sleep depends on how much I drink. Ha!

The boys’ room is mostly painted and I’m trying to pull things together for that. It will get done in the nick of time.

I think I’m nesting a little bit. I clean like a crazy woman for a few hours and then collapse into a chair for the rest of the day. Ha!

A sweet group of friends and family gave me a baby shower {or sprinkle as I like to call it!} Monday night. My heart was so blessed by each one who came. I know that people celebrate subsequent babies differently, but we just like to get together around here, so any excuse is a good one. 🙂

I’m reading Birthing From Within to prepare myself for birthing again. Last time was so traumatic and I’m dealing with fear and emotions which is probably completely normal. I’m beginning to feel like I’m physically ready…mostly so I can begin losing weight. However, I’m definitely not mentally or emotionally ready for giving birth.

Will y’all pray for me? That everything will go well with this birth? I’m not praying for no pain. I’m praying for no complications and a healthy baby and momma. 🙂

Have you given birth naturally? What tips/suggestions do you have for me?



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  1. Will definitely be praying for you and your little one in the weeks to come, Myra! My first birth was also traumatic and didn’t go according to plans either with my water breaking early and my son being born at 33 weeks; I have felt fearful about what a second birth might bring. I would just encourage you to meditate on Rev. 21:5 “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” God is faithful and I believe that since He started the good work inside of you – He’ll see it through to completion! Blessings!

  2. I think it is normal to feel anxious no matter how many babies you have had. I had one completely natural birth out of my three. IT was natural because I arrived at the hospital ten minutes before the baby wa born!! But of all my deliveries( one spinal block, one epidural) it was really the easiest. I think it was because I was just at home walking around and dealing with the pain. In fact the pain was not so bad and that is the reason I delayed going to hospital. I thought I would make it to my drs appt the next day and they would send me to the hospital. And I hate to admit this but I am a nurse and should have known better.lol… Will pray that all goes well for you and that baby boy will arrive safely and happily!!

  3. I’ll be praying for a healthy delivery and healthy baby (and momma)! I’m actually preggers, too (17 weeks). Will you be able to make it to Haven? If not, God speed and I can’t wait to hear about your new little man. I know you’re into natural birth, but my Godsend was the epidural.
    Susan´s last blog post ..DIY napkin tutorial plus southern peach pie

  4. Will be praying for you and your little baby, plus your whole family. This is a big event for you all. God bless you!

  5. For me, walking around during labor was the key. Having a contraction while standing and swaying was so much more comfortable than sitting or laying down.

    I also say let go of your expectations, both good and bad. Your ultimate goal is to birth a baby and for mama and baby to both be healthy at the end. I think having elaborate birthing plans/expectations can set mamas up for feelings of failure and even depression when things don’t go according to the plan. I know your labor with Ridley was long and hard and ended with an epidural but that didn’t make his birth a ‘failure’…you labored naturally for 40 hours and at the end of it all, you had your baby!!

    Read books on birth, practice pain management techniques and pray but don’t worry about the labor and delivery to come. And when you do begin contracting, take the view of just getting through one at a time.

  6. I noticed in Ridley’s story that you labored some on your hands and knees. My last four or so grandchildren (three different mothers) were born from that position which the mothers report was a great help (think gravity). Happily my daughter-in-law found Dr. Phillips who worked on her for a couple of hours when she was 39 weeks. She delivered the next day within twenty minutes of arriving at the hospital which was an entirely different experience than previously:)

  7. I had a difficult birth with my first, I had pre-eclampsia and was dreading the birth of second baby but it was a breeze and the third one my daughter came to watch her sister being born, (16 years between them) and she said mum you didnt even make a noise, Yes she was so easy to give birth to, You never have the same experience twice in my opinion. So don’t worry and go with the flow so to speak, lol and lots of good wishes are sent to you from me. x

  8. Just knowing that this is all a miracle is pretty exciting isn’t it? You look absolutely radiant. Relax, relax, relax with music, back rubs, tub sitting, walking, and, as mentioned above, giving birth on your hands and knees worked really well for my daughter. She insisted on this. She gave birth naturally 3 times. The first birth of the four, and i was with her, was the epi experience. She let those negative thoughts get the best of her and insisted on an epi, which stopped her labor and lenthened it completely. Bella was born with her body chemistry all topsy turvy from such a difficult time and i blame the epi. My daughter’s three other births were all quick and natural, and done exactly the way she wanted. Soon another miracle for you.
    Karen hornsten´s last blog post ..Large Book Flower With Butterfly Decor and Wooden Stem by GracelinePaperStudio

  9. You are beautiful!

    I had my first naturally, and the biggest help for me was getting in “the zone” during contractions, and laboring at home for as long as possible. I just did everything I could to breath through the pain and not let it consume me. Those techniques worked great – when we finally decided to get to my midwife I was already 9 centimeters!

    Now, if only I could have remembered to focus during pushing… Next time. 😛
    Ashlee´s last blog post ..Cousins!

  10. I had pre-eclampsia (toxemia) with my first and received an epi in an effort to bring down my BP. However, she was born shortly after and my epi had not had enough time to take effect. My next three kiddos were all born rapidly…one at the dr office even. So they are definitely all different.
    I try to remind myself to relax during the contractions and let “nature” do its work. Fighting it only makes it worse. I also have little scripture cards to read/quote and I try to talk with Hubs during my labor to keep my mind off of it. Near the end, I may only be whispering, but we are still chatting. 😉
    You look great, Myra. So happy for you and I will pray for you in these next few weeks.
    Heather´s last blog post ..Mrs. Organize

  11. Wish I could take your hand and pray with you for you. But I count it a privilege to go before our loving God on the behave of you and your baby. May our God give you an uncomplicated and quick delivery/recovery that produces a healthy, whole and sound baby and body. May God bless you with peace and comfort in this time when stress seems to come in from every direction. In Jesus name I pray these things over you and yours, Amen. Remember to enjoy as fully as you can the time and KICKs that you have left from this perspective of mothering. You look fantastic!!

  12. Both my daughters were born naturally and the best advice I have is to walk, walk, walk! With my first, I laid down for about 30min to give myself a break, and my contractions slowed way down. The birthing ball helped a lot with my 2nd. I didn’t use any sort of method, my body just took over and knew what it had to do to get through it. My husband was my biggest help and supporter. My midwife basically just let us be alone because we worked as a team so well.

    All labors are different, so take it as it comes and BREATHE! 🙂

  13. Hi 🙂 I will pray for you and your baby.
    I have 2 kids. my oldest when he was born I had epidural. When my daughter was born I didn’t take epidural and labor went smoothly.
    Just as long you have someone by your side that supports you, and be calm, everything will be ok, and it will be the most amazing experience in your life 🙂

    I’m sending good vibes for your labor and baby 🙂
    Sofia Arcangelo´s last blog post ..Rissois de queijo e fiambre / Ham and cheese patties

  14. I am the mama of three boys. Each birth was very different. My last was a natural birth and it was fabulous and so easy.

    Keep calm and realize your body is designed to give birth.

    Wishing you all the best.

  15. Wow you look great. I would try looking up self relaxation tips and then just imagining this birth going well to help with anxiety about it. I have a friend who did self-hypnosis, there are classes and books about it. She said it worked so well for a natural birth. The only catch is that it takes a while to learn properly. Good luck!
    Emilia Brasier´s last blog post ..Meal Plan Monday: Week 3

  16. Girl! It is so awesome when I hear of women who WANT to give birth naturally. Let me tell you a funny little story. So my son was the easiest birth. 5 days before I was due I woke up about 5am with contractions, got to the hospital about 6:30. Got the drugs, pushed 4 times and he was out. My 1st daughter had the cord wrapped around her 3 times, so at 35 weeks I had an emergency section. Then my 2nd daughter came around and my doctor said that she didn’t recommend V-Bac’s so I had a planned C-Section for 39 weeks. We got the big kids situated the night before we were scheduled to go to surgery, laid down in bed, and I promise I wasn’t there for 10 minutes when I feel a (balloon) pop inside of me. My water broke. I start having the worst contractions ever. So it’s 10:30pm we call my mom (who was supposed to be there at 4:30am when we were to leave to go to the hospital) to come stay with the kids because I am in labor. We get to the hospital around 11. And I was in so much pain that I couldn’t walk. Then I tell the desk that I am in labor and they were going to put me in an observation room. Then I think they realize that this is for real. So they start prepping me for surgery. The doctor gets there and checks me and realizes that I am 100% and 10cm and she could feel babies head. Nice… surgery prep goes out the window…au natural birth here she comes. No time for meds. The doctor literally told me to try not to push until she at least got her gloves on. I pushed a couple of times and baby Maylee was born. 🙂 You will do great!! The pain of childbirth is unbearable, but remember it all stops after baby is born. I can’t imagine being in labor for hours and hours…especially without meds.

  17. i had 3 all natural childbirths 2 at home all drug free. I made sure that i walked and kept moving and not hooked up to anything as gravity helps bring the baby down. I know girls that had been induced which i also pushed not to have as I knew my dates better than the ultrasound. My dates where more accurate when you look at the date that they came. Plus inducing happens alot before the baby is ready or cervix is ready and is intense. Also then the movement is less and inducing can do things to your blood pressure and baby’s and if destressed ect can all cause c sections. Epriduals the same and i know also that ladies i know to this day still complain about there back my mom knew some that was parlized. plus being numb doesn’t feel great. My dad always told me stay calm as when you don’t that is when things go wrong. Plus i think of any kind of drug ect has its risk to you or the baby. i read many books and searched the net on thing and natural childbirth praying and thinking

  18. Sending lots of prayers your way! I’m about half way through my 3rd pregnancy and a little nervous too because my last one was 5 years ago and very close to my 1st. Best wishes to you! xx

  19. Myra, at 35 weeks you look fantastic! Can I say, I’m so proud of you?!!! And I’m praying that the Lord will be close during your labor and delivery. What a great application to the verse in Revelation–Behold I make all things new! 🙂 I’m trusting God…and I love you bunches!

  20. I have had two natural births and both completely different. My first was breech and we didn’t discover she was breech till I was 9cm dialated! It was an hour of pushing before she came out! With my second child I had a water birth and it made a world of difference for the pain management. He was head down and to my shock came out in 4 pushes! So after having a first hard birth , my second so much better than my first! For me breathing is the key and focusing on the contraction I am on and not thinking about the ones to come. Staying in the moment and dealing with that pain. If that makes sense! Here’s to hoping your second baby is an easier birth! 🙂

  21. Giving birth at home is a wonderful experience! I had my first daughter (now 3 1/2) in the hospital and had a traumatic experience that left me afraid to do it in the hospital again. I knew before I got pregnant with our second one that I would indeed be having her at home. Dakota arrived August 3rd, 2011. And it was the most natural, in my body, experience I’ve ever had. I followed my intuition through it all and it went very smoothly. Yes, it was painful, but also amazingly beautiful!! Now, I feel like I could do absolutely anything!

  22. I had my first two children naturally, both very different labors–one was 15 hours, the second was only 3–but the thing that helped me the most through the pain was just focusing on my breathing. It is so helpful to know that the contractions will be over in less than 2 minutes (usually) and you’ll get a brief break. The tub was helpful the first time around. For my 3rd baby (who is now just 8 weeks old) I ended up with an epidural. I felt the same amount of pain at 2cm, as I had at 9cm with baby #2. All that to say, every woman labors differently, every child has a different way of entering the world, and whichever way ends up working is fine! A healthy baby and mommy are exactly what you want. I hope that this experience will be a positive one for you and that you can enjoy the process.
    Lauren´s last blog post ..Journey through the Psalms

  23. Praying for you! 🙂 One of the verses that I remembered often before my little cutie was born was Deuteronomy 31:8: “The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” He gave you this little one, and He’ll be right there–ahead of you–to help you as you get ready to meet him or her 🙂

    I also had a tough labor (23 hours of back labor before any meds–I’m amazed that you went 40!) and I know I’ll be tempted to worry a lot about #2 when that time comes. So I’ll especially be praying for calmness for you when the time comes! 🙂
    Diana´s last blog post ..Make Your Own Magic Bullet

  24. Praying for you sweet sister! Write out some favorite Bible verses on 3×5 cards (or memorize them) to focus on through contractions. I didn’t really have enough time to use my cards, but claiming a specific verse for each delivery and quoting it throughout labor has helped me immensely. I’m so proud of you!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Typical.

  25. I have 5 kids thus far and am about 4 weeks behind you with #6.
    I had preeclampsia with the first. Was induced for the first 3. Checked in dialated to 8 with number 4 only to have them start pitocin. Number 5 was a natural birth at home with midwives in attendance. Number 5 was my biggest baby at 9lbs. 4 oz. it was a MUCH better experience. My biggest suggestion would be belly breaths. Put your hands on that gorgeous belly and focus on getting them to move with each breath. Normally people breathe in their chests. Belly breaths are much deeper and focusing on your breathing is a great for pain relief. I am also planning on a natural birth with this one in about 8 weeks. Yikes, I just realized I have about 8 weeks to get everyting ready! Good luck and prayers to you!

  26. I understand the anxiety that comes after having a difficult birth the first time around! Will be praying that you will not be anxious about this birth, because each one is different! (I can say that with full confidence, having had 4 babies!) My fourth delivery was the most beautiful experience – dare I say worshipful? My dear ladies from church had planned to come to the hospital to pray while I was giving birth, but I went into labor Sunday morning so they just worshiped right there during the service! My mom and husband sang songs and prayed over me with each contraction. It was precious and caused us to add the name Joy to our daughter’s name after she was born. It was a truly joyful experience!

    I would advise you to stay out of the bed as much as possible. Our bodies do labor so much better when we are not confined. You will need to find the positions that work for you – and those will most likely change as your labor progresses. Go with it! My doctor was wonderful at letting me stay out of the bed for the hour I was at the hospital before delivering, and she was still able to monitor me. The poor nurse was on her knees under my belly holding on the contraction monitor! Don’t let them tell you that you have to be in bed to labor. Follow what feels good to you – and practice that breathing! I know some people say it doesn’t work, but I found it a great distraction as well as a physical relief/coping mechanism. You can do it!!!!

  27. I gave birth to my son naturally. It was supposed to be a home birth but we had a small complication & had to transfer to the hospital. The baby arrived 17 minutes after we got to the hospital and everything was fine, we erred on the side of caution. The only advice I’d give is to make sure you are surrounded by people who make you feel calm & happy. If that means not calling a friend or family member when you go into labor, or delaying your trip to the hospital, so be it. Being relaxed and at peace, not feeling “watched” or anxious, will make a huge difference in how fast the baby comes & how much pain you have.
    Smoochagator´s last blog post ..Tasty Tuesday – Homemade Broth

  28. Hi Myra, this is my first time commenting on your lovely blog, but I just wanted to leave a few encouraging words for you! I am 28 weeks pregnant and have enjoyed reading your little updates on your pregnancy. I’m starting to feel that same apprehension (this will be my second too). I gave birth to my 2-year-old son naturally and it was seriously the best experience ever! A couple things that helped me were getting to a point where I could let all outside distractions (including fear!) go, and I think I could do that b/c I kept reminding myself that God made my body to do this, and that women have been doing this for thousands of years! I mostly labored in a small shower at my birth center, with only my husband there, and being alone like that helped me turn inward and focus on what my body was doing naturally, on its own. I actually had no concept of time and completely skipped all the craziness of transition. My midwife didn’t believe me when I told her I thought I was ready to push! I am praying that my next birth experience is as wonderful as the first! I’ll be praying for yours too- just remember that God has made you a strong woman, capable of bringing the children He has a plan for into this world. What a miracle it is, no matter how it happens!

  29. Myra,
    Just remember GOD has got you and YOU have got this. You will do just fine…think positive and TRY to relax. Have FAITH that everything will be perfect this time around. God will be right beside you every step of the way. Blessings to you and your family!

  30. Oh sweet Myra,
    I labored and delivered my Samuel ‘naturally’, without any meds or intervention. I did have to be on monitors intermittently to watch his heart rate, which dropped occassionally.

    While no meds was my hope, like you, we realized that we are not in control over our labor. Only God knows how long it will go and what it will be like. So instead, we told the nurses what our hopes were instead of our plans. I lucked out and had a very swift labor and delivery, and I’m praying the same for you!

    Related – 46 hours???? Girl, you deserve a medal! Well, I guess you got one named Ridley =) {wink}
    anna {girlwithblog}´s last blog post ..on Hope for the Weary {new} Mom: chapter 2

    1. I forgot to mention the things that helped me labor naturally {smacks forehead}

      We brought an ultrasound picture, and hung a little Christmas ornament on it. The ornament was two big stockings and one tiny one, and said ‘And baby makes 3’! That was my focal point. My Husby kept bringing me to it, saying ‘That’s what this is for. That’s what you’re doing this for.’

      Also, we brought a DVD of Christmas piano music that had a fireplace! So I totally focused on that crackling fireplace on my TV! Sounds so cheesy, but it worked for me!

      I found that when I had to be on the monitors, being on my side helped a LOT. I was only on my back for the 10 minutes I was pushing.

      Praying peace for you, Myra girl!
      anna {girlwithblog}´s last blog post ..on Hope for the Weary {new} Mom: chapter 2

  31. My first was hard too. I was a bit apprehensive about number two as well. A wise mom of 7 and I were talking about birth (and we’re both RNs), and she said no one ever wants to do the first delivery again and thankfully you don’t have to. My second was much easier, and hoping my third will be too. I’m 25 weeks pregnant now so a little behind you. Will be thinking about you as you get closer and closer to delivery.
    Anna@The DIY Mom´s last blog post ..Mandarin Mondays: 哥哥 (Older Brother)

  32. Just keep reminding yourself that birthing a child is what your body was made for!! Since you have a midwife that will help so much! My second was all natural in the hospital and I did great. I loved being able to get up right away and take a shower, the best shower of my life!! I will be praying for you and baby!!

  33. Myra, my 2nd natural birth was WAY easier than my 1st. I felt much more relaxed and in control because I knew what to expect. If there is one thing I could recommend it would be VISUALIZE! Picture exactly what you want your birth to look like and then make plans accordingly. For example one thing I knew I wanted for my second birth was to be more rested going into it. So when I started contracting and thinking labor was coming soon, I lay down and took a nap! Obviously things can change and flexibility is a must, but having something to shoot for made the whole process a lot easier.

  34. Having given birth naturally 5 months ago, it’s still pretty fresh on my mind! My #1 piece of advice would be to BREATHE. If I lost control of my breathing I basically felt like I was losing control of everything. I read in your 1st birth story that you had back labor – me too. It’s pretty severe, isn’t it? I was in labor for 23 hours total, but only in hard labor for about 3 hours. My baby’s birth went absolutely NOTHING like the way my husband and I planned for it to go, but in the end we had a healthy baby girl (even though she had to stay in NICU for 7 days) and couldn’t be happier. This sounds goofy, but try to relax as well – I was SO tense that the doc told me I was breaking his tools as he sewed me up 🙂 Looking back, if I would have relaxed instead of panicking when that severe back pain would overtake me, I would have been a lot better off. Near the end I was begging for an epi but was too far along to get one, and I’m so thankful that I was, because I know now that I CAN DO IT!!!! And that’ll be a good reminder for next time:) I hope everything goes well with baby and Mom!!

  35. I’ve been thinking about you since seeing this post a few weeks ago…labor is such a scary thing to anticipate, so the greatest advice I can give you is to relax and to trust in your body & that it knows what it needs to do. {You can do it!!}

    I’ve given birth naturally (with back labor) twice, both with a midwife…the first time because the doctor was on call, I warned him I’d have the baby before he got back, and I was right, the second time I knew I was better of going with the midwife from the get go…I think it really helped me to know the pain was temporary…and to move. I swear, I must have looked like a wild animal jumping from surface to surface during each contraction. Floor, bed, chair, toilet, floor, bed: tilted funny, ball, back to the floor…and also do NOT push until you need to…hopefully that means the baby is far enough that you won’t have to work too hard with the pushes…

    I also listened to Guided Imagery by Belleruth Naperstek http://www.healthjourneys.com/product_detail.aspx?id=15 it is for pregnancy AND for childbirth, both are equally enjoyable.
    I don’t know if it’s for all people, but I found it so relaxing…it has quiet music, and her voice is the most calming thing you can imagine…I downloaded it to my iPad, had it on, and both my husband and midwife fell asleep to it…no joke. It’s a perfect blend of distracting, calming, and reassuring.

    I’m thinking good thoughts for you and hope this experience is everything you want it to be. You can do it, you can do it, you can do it!

  36. I’ve given birth naturally twice, and the best advice i have is to not go to the hospital until you absolutely must. i labor much easier at home than at the hospital. unless, of course, you’re lucky enough to be giving birth somewhere that realizes laboring laying down on your back is the worst possible way to labor. (at our local hospitals, you can not convince people of that! you have to sign a bajillion wavers, and even then they’re rushing you to “get back in bed” “we have to have your monitor on” etc.) best of luck to you, and you’ll be in my prayers!

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