Someday He’ll Probably Hate Me For This…

The last couple days Prince Charming has been off from work, so we have spent some lovely times together. Yesterday we cleaned house and made dinner for some good friends. We enjoyed taking the dinner to them and oh! the smiles on their faces! What joy and pleasure it brings to give to others!

My car’s fan (the one that blows out the AC) is finally fixed. It’s been on the blink for a while. I could get it to work when I was headed to work out or when Little Man and I were going to town, but it always decided to NOT WORK when I was finished working out and sweating all over the place or after the car sat in parking lot baking in the sun. Complete misery! Anyway, Prince Charming is going to pick up the now well-cooling car! Yay!!

On Saturday morning, Little Man and I got ready to go to a wedding. After his bath I took these photos. There’s nothing sweeter than a cute little baby’s bottom to pat! 🙂 Someday he’ll probably hate me for this…at least until he has a cute little babe of his own! Enjoy!

I love being snuggled after bathtime!
Beautiful eyes

Look Mom! My modesty pose!

Ahhhh! Mom, what are you doing?


  1. So so so cute!!! I love them. Can you believe how fast he’s growing? I was looking at some of his newborn pics earlier today and almost started crying at how little he was! I know you’re enjoying him immensely!

  2. I took some of these with both my boys, too, and I'm sure they'll just love it when they are older LOL – oh well, hey, at least one day we can sit and look at our little babies and bawl our eyes out! 🙂

  3. You had the most adorable baby, Myra! 🙂 He is truly beautiful. (No surprise as you and Ernie are such a gorgeous couple in and of yourselves.)

    Great pictures!

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