Mother’s Day 2009
I love mommyhood. There is not a greater gift in the world (other than eternal life) than to be given this amazing task and blessing of being a mom. Though I sometimes miss quiet times with my husband…which are now very few and very far between and now I get to deal with dirty diapers, runny noses, and screams for food, I thrive on watching my little one develop in an incredible way. He is so smart, observant, loving and oh, so kissable!
I would never go back to being “just the two of us.” No, I will always be amazed at the gift of life and the God-given ability to grow a baby and to nurture and nourish and sustain life. I never knew I could love a little person so much. Mommyhood comes with sacrifices, but what doesn’t? The rewards are enormous, so I’ve heard and I’m giving my everything to see that I do my duty well.
“Strength and honor are her clothing, she shall rejoice in time to come.”
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy “special” Mother’s day. Thanks for sharing your intimate thoughts!
So precious! Happy Mother’s Day! I think I forgot to tell you at church :-/ Love the picture of you and Ridley!