Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day full of turkey, dressing {or stuffing}, cranberry sauce and more desserts than we can imagine, let’s remember why this day is called Thanksgiving.

source: theheritagecook.com

Thanksgiving Day began as a result of our nation’s founders coming through very difficult days of trying to survive Indian attacks, deadly diseases that threatened to wipe them out and even starvation.

They set aside a day to thank and praise God for His wonderful preserving grace and mercy. We’ve forgotten those hardships. We have an easy life. We all want our “freedom” to live as we please.

We have forgotten who gave us freedom in the first place.  God and the amazing men and women who walked against the crowd…the “weirdos” who set sail for unknown and wild territory.

Were they just incredibly brave? No, I don’t think so. I’m convinced that the Pilgrims were passionate about true freedom. So passionate that they were willing to give up everything and risk their lives and their family’s lives to find freedom from religious persecution.

So, instead of whining about politics or the stock market or whatever else we find to be down about, let’s THANK GOD for our nation’s founders who really understood what true freedom is and what it takes to obtain it.

And let’s THANK Him for the wonderful blessings and freedoms we still enjoy today.

Blessings from our home to yours!

What are you thankful for today?


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