1. Poor baby! Hope he is feeling better soon! How do you make an onion poultice and how does it help an ear infection. Pretty cool!

  2. Okay, so you can't post pictures of your cutie pie alone, what's that trick? How do you make that onion poultice and how does it work?

  3. Ahhhhh! He's well loved! Did the onion work? I've never heard of doing that trick!

    Any suggestions for bronchitis?! That seems to be going around our family this year…no fun being sick!

    Happy WW!

  4. You know, he is just too cute, even when he is sick! I love the ones with the poultice…he looks so "cool" LOL! Did it seem to help at all? I read about it from Natural Baby and Childcare by Lauren Feder, as well as online from the link on Passionate Homemaking's guest post on natural home remedies (onion, garlic, hydrogen peroxide and I forget the other ones!)

    Wish I could come to your couponing class on Friday. Have fun!

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