Not Me Monday!

My family (Dad, Mom, Brothers, Sister & Bro-in-law, Prince Charming, Little Man and I) along with a bunch of young people from church travelled to Pennsylvania on Friday and Saturday to our church youth camp. So, my posting will probably be a bit more sporadic this week, but I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things next week! I’m hoping to be able to share photos with you as we go through this week! On to the therapy…

As I prepared to pack all our stuff for the week at camp, I did not make countless lists of things to “not forget”. Nope, I keep all my lists in my head…that’s how “on top” of things that I am! Aren’t you impressed?! Yep, SO on top of things that I did not forget my facewash, nor did I forget my toothbrush. I would NEVER go on a trip without my toothbrush! When I arrived at my hotel late on Saturday night, Ridley was not screaming his head off saying, “Nuh, nuh (time to eat)”, it was NOT pouring rain, the credit card did not have issues and I did not want to just get to my room. Not at all. I was so completely un-frazzled that I remembered to ask for a toothbrush at the hotel desk…NOT! I did not remedy the situation of “un-brushed-teeth” until today by asking the guy at the desk for a toothbrush…no, and he certainly did not have a puzzled look on his face. (Disclaimer: Just so you don’t think I’m a completely gross person, I did borrow Prince Charming’s toothbrush a couple times. That’s not gross is it?!)

On Friday night as we wandered around Lexington, VA looking for our hotel, I did not have Little Man out of his carseat. Nope, I always follow all laws and traffic regulations. I’m blissfully ignorant of Virgina’s laws anyway. My bro-in-law was driving and as we finally pulled into the hotel parking lot, he did not say anything about blue flashing lights behind him. I did not immediately freak out and I didn’t frantically begin putting Little Man back into his seat. Mr. Copage did not come to the window to ask if we knew what he was pulling us over for. Nope! This would never happen to us!! My sister mentioned that there was a no U-turn sign where we made a U-turn…oops! The cop did not let my bro-in-law go with a warning to “be sure to watch the signs better next time.” My heart did not finally stop racing about 3 hours later. Whew! Nope, not me!

For more Not Me Monday’s visit My Charming Kids!


  1. I so enjoyed your not-me-monday. I so love how it allows you vent with a smile on your face:)

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog! 🙂 I do read yours nearly every day… just don't always take the time to comment! Sorry! Glad you got a toothbrush! Lol I make lists and overlook things all the time!! Love you!

  3. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for sharing. We start tomorrow. ”What would your children say?” Wednesday, I hope you can join in the fun.

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